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services you need
We connect rural mums to services and support, instantly
Motherland is a national charity that celebrates and connects rural mums across Australia. Our mission is to eliminate the crippling isolation for mothers on the land, and improve mental health outcomes.
of rural mums don’t have access to adequate health services locally.
must resort to Google searches to find the services they need online.
Thank you to our project partners
Join today and connect your business to women across rural Australia.
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about Motherland Connect
We’re sorry there aren’t any providers showing up. Please try expanding the radius of your search using the advanced filters button, and ensure you’ve also selected ‘online’ as an option for telehealth support. Failing that, please note we are continuously growing our database and hope to have more services listed very soon.
Motherland Connect is free for rural mums and the general public to use. All for-profit businesses must pay an annual membership to list their services on our platform.
Motherland is a national charity that supports rural mums across Australia. This platform is intended to further support them by connecting them to services that support their physical, emotional, and mental health, along with their family’s.
No. As long as your business provides support to rural mums physically, emotionally or mentally, in some way, you are welcome to list your services. Note: All services are vetted by our team before they are approved for listing.
Please click here to join.